Day Three - 09.14.2022
Really productive few days — I feel like I know what my next steps are when it comes to my goals and dreams, but you know when the steps seem so small in relation to the dream that you aren’t sure that you’re making progress, you just have to assume that you are and have faith??? Well, that’s how today went.
I feel like everything lately has been about improving my self concept. I think because I want to work on it, and have been working on it, so many different things in my reality are proving the notion that “whatever you focus on, expands”. I want to make a promise to myself right now that I am going to only focus on what I want to expand.
Here is a quick exercise. Get out your notebook and make a list of everyone that you care about. Then make a second list writing everything that you like to do. Now, from here on out, if a person outside the first list makes a comment about you, ask yourself if you even care about that opinion. Similarly, if you find yourself comparing yourself to someone who just simply does not live the same life as you or has the same passions as you, look at the second list and say, “hey! these are the things I like to do and set me apart. I am just going to focus on this.”
Lately, putting my head down and working on myself has been serving me. There is a reason I’m in the place I am at right now and I need to honor this space and learn what I can. I vow to enjoy the journey and with trust in the Universe, leap into the unknown.
If you’re going through a period of uncertainty, know that you aren’t alone. I, too, am questioning my worth every second and having to reground myself often, but that’s why I picked up the 90 Day Challenge. I knew that this time was going to require me to go inwards and if I can share my journey and help one person out there (even if it’s just me) with feeling lost, then I will consider my mission complete. This world has a lot to offer, you have a lot to offer - and it’s important to gather the lessons from your past and stay in the moment. For me, writing allows me to stay in the moment and it allows me to really see where my thoughts are going. I know that this time might feel tough and impossible, but with every period of dismay and doubt comes a shining light of clarity. We need both.
That’s all I have for today. I love you. You are not alone.